Due to its geographical positioning in the highlands near the Aberdares Mountains, Gatundu has countless massive waterfalls. Discover giant waterfalls hidden deep in the Githobokoni area of Gatundu North.
Be prepared to slip and fall several times! The sliding is all worth it- your reward is 3 breathtaking waterfalls, including one that falls inside a cave. Prickly plants are...
Kijabe attracts daring hikers in search of beautiful scenery and a tranquil ambiance. But we found a hack for those who want to experience kijabe without the "hard" part: a...
Join us on an adventurous escapade as we trek deeper inside the Southern part of the Aberdare forest in search of a hidden waterfall with a scenic dam that supplies...
Begin your adventure at the iconic Great Rift Valley viewpoint, trekking through country roads into Kirenga Village, rich with history from the Mau Mau uprising and the Lari Massacre. The...
Ololosokwan gorge in Ngong is where you walk through dry river beds, missing waterfalls, heart-stopping sheer cliff drops, and friendly baboons.
The trail to the Kenze river is located in the verdant Kilome hills. The hike starts in Mukaa, a little hamlet where the first inland mission was established in 1903....
Kinale is a floral mosaic where orchids grow in plenty, as well as bamboo stalks due to the area’s high altitude. As you walk into the forest, the trees of...
This trail begins at Kamwangi Town in Gatundu and takes you to two stunning waterfalls. The first features water pipes crossing a scenic valley, and the second, larger waterfall lies...
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