In a recent article, I documented how Instagram is contributing to irresponsible travel and over-tourism. In the same article I confessed my mistakes on focusing so much in exposing the hidden gems and doing little to enlighten and take measures to protect them from being misused.
This particular article is my resolution as the leader of the Lets Drift movement on our commitment to create a future that is sustainable for drifters and the communities that keep the gems we enjoy.
This article is not exhaustive and I believe there are many other ways to create a sustainable future. My intention like any other perpetual change is to spark a conversation and invite everyone to be part of a solution.
- Small groups
If you have been to Drift, you know it has been our culture to create intimate experiences by organizing small group trips. This creates minimal distraction to the locals and offers accountability among our members to ensure that they leave the places we visit better than we found them.
Our 10 people per guide policy remains intact. We encourage other travelers to do the same including other travel agencies.
2. Take the roads less traveled
Part of the reason we are experiencing this influx of people over-visiting places is because we humans naturally tend to be comfortable with convenience.
That’s why we would have a railway cut a cross a national park which is an animals habitat or reclaim land set aside for people to unwind and rest so that we can expand roads.
Convenience and sustainability will never match. Have you ever wondered why waterfalls are not easily found and are always hidden?
As Lets Drift, we are committed to solve this problem. Our guides and members are dedicated to take the roads less traveled literally, scouting new routes and expanding our trails like the recent successful Ngong to Naivasha thru-hike challenge.
We believe there are undiscovered paths that are waiting to be known but will need curious and brave guys crazy enough to step into the unknown.
3. Working with local communities
There will never be a sustainable approach to the impending Intrusion and over-tourism unless the local people are involved.
Getting local people as guides, educating them on protecting the environment as well as empowering them economically by buying from them eg farm produce, eating at a local cafe is a great way to forge a lasting impact.
In the last few weeks I have been having talks with local leaders in Ndeiya, which is one of the places Lets Drift organizes experiences. Our hope is that we could work together to create a win — win situation for both of us.
4. Encourage music/photo free experiences
Would you drift to a beautiful locations if you knew you wouldn’t take a photo of the place?
What if we look for other alternatives to record our ‘ moments’ besides ‘the gram’, like tracking your hike on Strava, carrying a journal to write something you learn along the way or even a sketch book to draw something. Sounds crazy huh?
If we care about keeping the hidden-gems hidden, if we really want our children to enjoy what we are enjoying today, if we want to leave this world a better place, it is necessary to do what is right even if the right thing is not cool.
Notice I didn’t do no 5. This is because we would love to hear from you about any way we could create a sustainable future.
My name is Alex. I serve as the head of Lets Drift, a community of Adventurous Guys seeking to make this world more interesting to live, One drift at a time.

Before you go I have something to show you — A catalog with details of more than 30 hiking trails around Nairobi and its environs. You can download it here