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Tigoni 1: Wear your Training Wheels

Tea is such a big part of Kenyan culture that there are weekend hiking trips planned around just seeing these little bushes. While one would have to admit that looking at the way they do all manicured and well-tended as well as how they seem to stretch forever is quite the sight. It is doubtful that hiking groups in Kenya are that interested and obsessed with tea farms. It could be simply because the farms are located in highlands with wonderful views and little gems hidden in the wild beyond the farms. While most destinations are those little hidden gems, walking through the farms is always a treat. Tigoni 1 is yet another trail in Tigoni that may start with a walk through a farm but reveals a lot more as you walk further and further away from the urban hustle. 

Key Attractions

  • Of course the tea farms are an attraction. They offer space on which one can bring their bike and just float over the tea bushes all day. Tea is also a big part of Kenyan history. On this trail, you will be walking through one of the oldest tea farms in Kenya. The Kiambethu Tea Farm dates back to the early 1900s. If you are nice enough to the farmers and locals they will tell you stories about the things that happened there. If not, hold your ear and listen keenly to the soil under your shoes as it tells you of Kenyan struggle before independence. 
  • The particular trail is more about the hike than anything else. However, on the way to the end of the trail you will encounter small waterfalls where you can refresh yourself with a splash on your face before proceeding to the spot where the group will disband and head out to reflect on the day in the privacy of their homes. 
  • This being Tigoni, there will be a small part of the trail that is hidden under a canopy of trees. Here your guide might teach you a little about Kenya’s flora. One thing about these weekend hiking trips is that they always have one or two new lessons. 




Challenge Level

The Tigoni 1 hiking trails is a beginner friendly experience. It is designed to admit new hikers into the world of hiking. It is Kenyan culture to be kind and nice to the visitors after all. On this hike, you can focus on learning your limits and determining whether you should do a few more easy hikes before you graduate to the next level or not. Whichever the case, you will be guaranteed wonderful weekend hiking trips with Let’s Drift. 


The central meeting point is on the benches near Bata Hilton Nairobi CBD. From there, we head out to take public transport to Tigoni Shopping Centre. The journey to the starting point is about one hour long. 

 The trail is also self-drive friendly in case you don’t want to take public transport.

What do you need for the trail?

  • 3Ltrs water (bring a reusable bottle or a hydration pack)
  • Snacks: fruit salad, energy drink, warm beverage, biscuits, sandwich, trail mix (nuts), etc.
  • Personal items (ID, pocket money, hand sanitizer, facemask, phone, and camera, Lighter, Pocket Knife, and First-aid Kit)
  • Trekking pole
  • Change of clothes and shoes in case you get wet or muddy.
  • Sunglasses, sunscreen, sun protection

Here’s a list of resources for hiking gear you can check out.

Hiking Gear Vendors – Lets Drift 

Can you bring your kids with you?

Yes. The Tigoni 1 hiking trail is easy enough to bring your children on. There is something about running wild in the tea farms that delights children. 

Now that you know about Tigoni 1, we hope to see you on the trails!

Similar trails

If you are a fan of weekend hiking trips in Kenya, Book now, be notified when tickets become available. Similar trails to Tigoni 1 are: 

Tigoni 2 and Zaina